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Helpful Websites

The internet provides a treasure trove of information. I’ve done my best to compile what I believe are some of the most useful websites in several categories. My selection criteria were to identify sites that freely share information and provide high quality content. I will be updating this section on a regular basis.

Website Resource Highlight:

Claude.ai is a fascinating AI-powered tool that can help you generate human-like text based on the input you provide. Imagine having a super-smart writing assistant that can help you craft compelling content, summarize long documents, or even create entire articles for you! With its advanced language processing capabilities, Claude.ai can help you: Summarize long documents […]

a philanthropic investment organization that helps great leaders build strong, high-performing nonprofit institutions

SIE is a national, cross-sector membership association dedicated to generating large-scale social impact. Its unique strategic approach focuses on creating and spreading cross-sector collaborative initiatives (nonprofits, philanthropy, business, and government) with a goal of achieving systemic change and population-level impact.

Resource to help students pursue a nonprofit career

Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations strengthens and supports nonprofitsÕ ability to serve the public, while promoting the highest standards of ethics and accountability in nonprofit governance and management

a nonprofit organization that harnesses the power of collaboration within the social sector

serves as the premier meeting ground for the leaders of AmericaÕs charitable and philanthropic sector

FireScience.org created the following guide on public service careers to help prospective employees explore the different types of career paths available; learn about employment opportunities, internships, and volunteer work; get insight from public service experts; and find a list of additional resources for navigating the public service sector.

provides information about the nonprofit sector that advances transparency, enables users to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving.

includes advice on what college degrees translate into a non-profit career, information about working at a non-profit, and tips to becoming a skill based volunteer

a national nonprofit service organization recognized as the nationÕs leading authority on organized philanthropy, connecting nonprofits and the grantmakers supporting them to tools they can use and information they can trust

an influential news source on executive careers and pivotal events that shape the association sector

increases the effectiveness of nonprofit boards of directors through its highly acclaimed governance consulting practice, tools, and membership

the membership organization and voice of the association profession

the professional association of individuals and organizations devoted to improving the management and governance capacity of nonprofits

formed to identify, highlight, support, foster awareness of, advocate for, and develop FrederickÕs growing high tech community

non-profit organization created for local entrepreneurs seeking offices, laboratory facilities, and entrepreneurial support services

organization established to support, retain, and foster the growth of existing businesses in Frederick County

organization established to help small business owners succeed

organization charged with enhancing, promoting and preserving the vitality of Downtown Frederick

The CityÕs Department of Economic Development is involved in many programs and initiatives to support, grow and strengthen our vibrant business community

Blogging done by CEOs on various topics

provides comprehensive knowledge and information regarding Human Resource Management issues

easily creates word clouds from text

online presence of the worldÕs foremost chief executive leadership organization

a fast-growing calculator, equation and dataset library that helps you freely create, effectively collaborate and quickly calculate.

resource for anyone looking to start a new program or improve upon an existing wellness plan

find freelancers to tackle any job, any size, any time

detailed U.S. Economy Forecast

offering tips and tools on how to build a more accountable business or organization

provides executives with commentary, research, and practical ideas that bridge the gap between theory and practice in contemporary global business

resource created by University of Central Florida that compiles multipe sources of important government data

a member-driven professional association, helps banking and nonbanking institutions identify and manage the impacts of credit risk, operational risk, and market risk on their businesses and customers

Interested in learning more about leadership?

Ed’s books on Leadership, Life and Business will elevate your knowledge and give you the confidence to apply it to your personal and professional life.