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Marketing Resources

Marketing is growing in increasing importance to CEOs and leadership teams.  While sales used to dominate growth strategy conversation with marketing only serving a supportive role, business leaders now realize that effective marketing can and should drive sales activity.  The more your target your sales efforts through better market research and marketing campaigns, the greater the return on investment for all involved.

Managing Your Business Risk Effectively

Introduction: Navigating the complex world of business risk is a critical aspect of steering your company towards success and sustainability. The array of potential risks can be overwhelming, from economic fluctuations to technological advancements. This blog is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of these risks and introduce an effective tool for managing

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97 Reasons Why Business Growth Stalls

Growth is hard work.  For the past 27 years, I’ve worked as an executive coach, Vistage Chair, trainer or management consultant with hundreds of organizations. They have varied in size from just under $1M to well over $1B. Some have grown aggressively while some have grown more methodically, and others have struggled to grow at

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Leadership Thought #455 – There Is No Business Without Sales

There is no business without sales. It sounds like a pretty easy concept to embrace, but I can’t tell you how often I regularly see leaders focus on everything else but selling. It’s almost as if it is an afterthought as they tinker under the hood trying to build the perfect internal product/service delivery engine. In addition, when it comes to making discretionary investments in sales staff or marketing/advertising activities, they are often “penny wise and pound foolish.” Sure, we would all like to have a business where customers line up to buy from us because of how wonderful we are, however, business just doesn’t work that way. The best product or service almost never wins on those merits alone.

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    Favorite Articles

  • The How-To: Ending The Year On A Business High

    Many businesses struggle to convert inertia into potential energy at the start of a new calendar year. But just imagine if you could close the business year on a high with maximum energy and enough momentum to carry you into the next. One of the best ways to end the year on a high is […]

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  • How the Pandemic Changed Marketing Channels

    The pandemic undoubtedly changed how marketers approach channel strategy, and there is no single route to success. With more channels than ever, marketers need to map which channels add clear value and forget the rest. It can be tempting to enter a channel because your competitors are there. But with limited customer time and attention, […]

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  • What I Learned about “Product Roadmap” from Stanford Product Management Accelerated

    I’m recently taking the online Stanford program Product Management: Accelerated. One of the lectures I found very helpful for product managers is about how we derive a product roadmap from company-level strategies and product strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned product manager or just starting out in the field, this article has something for you. Here we […]

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    Helpful Websites

  • Tome

    Unlock your best work with Tome’s AI-powered story telling app to create business presentations and marketing collateral.

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  • Quillbot

    QuillBot’s suite of tools employs cutting-edge AI technology in order to make writing painless. Founded on the belief that learning and applying knowledge is more important than the mechanical aspects of writing, QuillBot seeks to automate these necessary tasks intending to augment your language. Now, you can focus on what you write, not how you […]

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  • Jasper

    Jasper is the AI Content Platform that helps you and your team break through creative blocks to create amazing, original content 10X faster.

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    Reading Excerpts

  • Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

    Chapter 1 – Weapons of Influence They (ethologists) have begun to identify regular, blindly, mechanical patterns of action in a wide variety of species…Called fixed-action patterns, they can involve intricate sequences of behavior… A well-known principle of human behavior says that when we ask someone to do us a favor, we will be more successful […]

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