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Video Favorites

Video is a great medium for professional and personal development.  Sometimes in just a few minutes, a subject matter expert can provide you with useful information that can fast track your ability to grow your knowledgebase, better interpret situations and make good decisions. I’ve selected that following videos because of their personal impact on me and influence on my work. Please share with me videos that have equally impacted you at robin_ed@capacity-building.com
  • Virtuous Leadership Part 2: The Four Basic Virtues – Alex Havard

    Alex Havard explains the concept of “virtuous leadership.” In Part 2, he begins to describe the four basic virtues: prudence, courage, self-control, and justice.

  • The Importance of Character in Leadership | Jordan Peterson

    Here is a brief excerpt from a Jordan Peterson lecture on the importance of personal character in becoming a good (noble) leader and the weakness in a society formed when there are not enough examples of admirable leadership qualities.  He uses a few biblical examples.

  • Five Tips for Better One-on-One Meetings

    One-on-one meetings are among the best opportunities for relationship-building that we’re afforded at work. But when run badly, they can feel like an unproductive use of people’s time. Mistake No. 1: viewing these check-ins as another task list item to check off. With planning and forethought, you can take your one-on-one meetings to the next […]

  • The Four Disciplines of Execution

    Great summary of the book: The Four Disciplines of Execution. 4DX® is not theory. It is a proven set of practices that represents a new way of thinking essential to thriving in today’s competitive climate, making this 2nd Edition a book that no business leader can afford to miss. The 2nd Edition provides more than 30 percent […]

  • The Real You – Jim Carrey

    Video clips of Jim Carrey sharing his thoughts on life and success

  • Paulo Coelho’s Top 10 Rules For Success (@paulocoelho)

    Interview segments where Brazilian author Paulo Coelho (famous for writing The Alchemist) shares his ten rules for success.

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