The purpose of this page is simply to share some insights into how and why our website was started.
Back in September of 2002, the vision for was born out of a strong desire to share the many benefits of high quality leadership tools and resources; tools that have helped me in so many ways, in both my personal and professional life.
It’s been my experience as a leader in a corporate environment for the past 30+ years, that most of the really good leadership tools and programs on the market today tend to be cost prohibitive.
We strongly believe that everyone, no matter what your income level or location, should have immediate access to quality leadership tools and resources that can positively impact your life, and the lives of those around you.
“From an early age I enjoyed reading stories about successful people. I’m inspired by people who have overcome enormous obstacles and who go on to achieve great success.”
– Richard
I’ve always enjoyed reading stories about successful people. I continue to be inspired by stories that detail how one overcomes great obstacles, yet they pick themselves up and continue on to achieve great success.
I believe that everyone has the ability to become a more effective leader – at work, at home and in life.
As a direct result of my ongoing study of leadership, sales management, self improvement, and the experience I gained from creating and managing this website, I continue to learn and grow in the area of leadership development.
An advanced computer wizard, I am not! However, I was fortunate to have discovered how to create this website using some simple tools, and since then I’ve never looked back. Solo Build-It! is the tool I’ve used for over 15 years to create and maintain In 2017, I wrote this SBI review, detailing many of the key features and benefits that SBI! provides.
I’ve learned a lot over the years as this website has evolved. We’ll continue to add new tools and resources, making this website a place where I can share leadership training, activities and insights – and hopefully inspire a few of our readers to begin your own leadership journey.
Family and Leadership
My wife and I are blessed with three beautiful daughters and we’ve always told the girls that “we are raising independent women of the new millennium.”
I’d go on to explain that becoming an independent woman of the new millennium means that you will grow up to understand that no matter what happens in your life, you can handle it.
I’ve told my girls on countless occasions, “before I walk you down the aisle, I want you to know who it is that I’m walking down that aisle.” In other words, I want them to be confident in who they are; to possess strength of character and have clear goals for their future.
Over the years, has generated significant financial benefit for our family, but even more importantly, it has been a conversation-starter for our girls about how they can become self-reliant, independent young women through personal development and by following their passion and building their best life.
I shared more on how Leadership-Tools has supported our family in raising our daughters in this SBI Interview
Okay, that’s enough about the author – let’s talk about “the experts”…
About The Experts
Throughout the past three decades I have invested in a multitude of leadership and personal development related tools and programs. These resources are offered by many of today’s most popular self-improvement experts such as: Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brendon Burchard, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor and Dennis Waitley – just to name a few.
I’m careful not to refer to any of the above named experts as “gurus”. I don’t believe anyone has all of the best answers to life’s many questions. I reserve the right to think for myself, and from time to time I’ve been known to disagree with an expert or two.
Everyone should be well aware of the fact that the self-improvement industry is just that, a giant industry. Not all of the products and services promoted in the marketplace are worth your hard earned dollars. So as you might expect, I’m cautious before making any sort of recommendation to my readers.
I first study all sides of an issue or problem before recommending any product or service. Often I have been able to create a similar product and then pass on that tool to my readers at no cost.
Whatever book or self-help program I’m engaged in, I purposefully take hold of the good stuff; the ideas and suggestions that I understand and connect with and any key points that make sense to me and fall in line with my values. At the same time, I mentally discard the things that seem too abstract or that appear too warm and fuzzy, void of any real substance.
I keep a sharp eye out for the honest-to-goodness tools and resources that can be immediately used to achieve greater results in your business and personal life.
While I’ve benefited greatly from many important lessons taught by “the experts”, at times I’ve found myself disappointed at the high cost of their products.
So many more people could benefit from key insights and lessons in leadership if only the cost of these quality tools and resources were more readily accessible – not so cost-prohibitive.
That’s where comes in.
I hope you enjoy your time spent on this website. I know you’ll find a great deal of value in the leadership information provided, and we’ll continue to add even more great content so be sure to sign up for our free newsletter so you won’t miss any important updates.
Thank you for taking time to learn more about our website.