Leaders need to beware of their comfort zone. All human beings are creatures of habit. We all fall into patterns of behavior that suit us (or at least that is what we think). The problem is that our external environment keeps changing. No matter how we try, the world will not conform to our preferred view of reality. There is nothing wrong with having moments of comfort and predictability in our lives. However, we must also learn to become more comfortable with being uncomfortable. In fact, we should seek out things that push us to our limits and challenge our preconceived notions of what’s possible. All personal growth requires not only accepting but embracing change. Life is defined not by how an individual navigates calm waters or easy currents, but instead by how we manage (and sometimes even choose) the more challenging routes to our destinations. I encourage you to find opportunities to get out of your comfort zone and redefine your view of who you are and what you can accomplish.
Related articles
- The Uncomfort Zone that Helps You Get Comfortable (theunleashedwriter.wordpress.com)
- The World Is In A Constant State of Change – Are You? (capacity-building.com)
- Three Leadership Traits that Never Go Out of Style – Bloomberg (bloomberg.com)
- The Edge of Your Comfort Zone (joelcornett.com)
- Step Out of Your Comfort Zone (hustle-strength.com)